Essential Tools of Talent Management Forbes Here the company assigns a more senior and experienced executive to develop a relationship with one or more high-potential individuals within the organization.
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Billy R Bennett
onto Align People April 28, 2013 1:30 PM
From time to dime we repackage and reframe activities into new functions. "Talent management"an example. Many organization reduced human resource management and limited it to transactional activities. What was lost in the process? The development of people with the skills and capabilities of fulfilling the purpose, strategies need future needs of the organization.
Talent management is struggling to grow out of this and to return to building talent that creates and sustains growth...not just attempt to follow or keep up.
Here is a short article that gives you a few things people are including in the role of talent management. One thing to note Talent Mapping... Visual succession planning and projecting future growth area.