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Billy R Bennett
onto Align People January 3, 2013 4:01 PM
This article by Anil Giri addresses a problem SCRUM practictioners have experienced: A "too large" and "too distributed" team. However, rather than allowing the team to fail by stopping the project he suggests ways to work around the challenges and considerations to make next time.
I like Anil's approach for a few reasons - first he's right. I say that not from experience, but also from the best team research. Co-location is the term for putting people in the same physical space to work as a team. In a previous article I noted the necessity of team members needing to build skills in a co-located team before doing too much work in virtual - remote member - project teams.
Here are some other lessons he offers that can be adapted for any team based challenge:
Do you have a team challenge that you would like to be a focus of an article or blog response? Leave a comment or email me at