Tips For Reducing Back Pain During Pregnancy El Paso, TX. | Call: 915-850-0900 or 915-412-6677 | Spine Health & Spinal Hygiene |

During my first pregnancy, I was in great shape as a yoga instructor. I thought I was ready but juggling:


  • Pregnancy
  • Birth
  • Early motherhood


I realized how intense the weight gain was, especially on my:


  • Back
  • Neck
  • Hips


This turned into a cycle of:


  • Gaining baby weight
  • Losing baby weight


Along with repetitive movements of:


  • Lifting
  • Swaying
  • Hunching over to nurse
  • Bathing


I experienced body discomfort and back pain that I never thought I would feel!


Then came my second pregnancy, and the pain was there again. This time targeting my:


  • Hips
  • Neck
  • Shoulders


And of course, the back pain was there in full force, which discouraged and saddened me.


I was sick of feeling uncomfortable and realized it was time to find a solution I could use at home and every day of my pregnancy.


I surrounded myself with top professionals, absorbed their knowledge and utilized their tips and tools into my daily routine.

Tips to alleviate back pain during pregnancy

These tips come from my background as a yoga instructor along with consultations from my:


Strengthening the abdominals and glutes


During pregnancy when your back hurts it is because you are not using the muscle groups that stabilize the body's frame.


As you gain pregnancy weight, the discomfort can worsen.


My Pilates instructor showed me deep core strengthening and glute exercises to do at home, which immediately helped alleviate my back pain.


These exercises can get those muscle groups to respond. Therefore, instead of the back doing the work, these muscles take over.

  • Bridges with a rear-end squeeze at the top
  • Pelvic tilts to gently awaken the transverse abdominals 

Side-stretching helps  expand the spine

Stretching the sides of your body allows for space between the ribs.


It alleviates back pain and improves breathing.


As pregnancy advances, the middle area of your body can feel tighter.


This is one reason you may feel out of breath.


My massage therapist shared a stretch that helps to open up this space.


  • Sit cross-legged and raise both arms toward the ceiling
  • Put your right hand down and, with the left hand, reach over toward the right side of the room
  • Repeat on the opposite side
  • Take deep breaths


The goal is to reach up and over to improve breathing.

Legs up the wall


Your legs, knees, and feet will begin to feel the effects of added bodyweight and pressure.


A restorative yoga pose that involves placing a yoga mat or blanket as a back cushion next to a wall.


  • Lie on the floor against the wall
  • Let your legs climb up the wall
  • Stretch arms outward and turn your palms up
  • Take deep breaths


This reverses the blood flow and gives your joints a much-needed break.


Hang out and enjoy.


If the back of your legs feel like it's too much to stretch all the way up, bring the soles of your feet together and let the knees butterfly out to the sides.

Make it a Daily habit

It can be a struggle to do daily stretches and exercises, especially as things get crazier and busier.


But this is what makes these home exercises/tips work.


Get into the habit to make it more personal and make body-care a top priority.


Children and life will try to take over but your wellness needs to come first before the care of others.


Living with back pain is something I would not recommend trying. Instead, see a chiropractor/doctor and learn these exercises and more tips so you can work out the discomfort/pain whenever it presents and enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest.



Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy Treatment El Paso, TX Chiropractor

Truide Torres, office manager, first received chiropractic care with Dr. Alex Jimenez during her pregnancy for her lower back pain. Mrs. Torres experienced aggravating symptoms throughout the progression of her pregnancy, which led her to seek a natural treatment approach for her own health as well as that of her own baby. Once Mrs. Torres started chiropractic treatment with Dr. Jimenez, she recovered her quality of life and was able to return to her original state of well-being. As an office manager, Mrs. Torres also receives regular chiropractic care for any lower back pain which may occur as a result of her job. Mrs. Truide expresses how important it is to continue her spinal maintenance and she highly recommends Dr. Jimenez as the non-surgical choice for a variety of health issues.


Low back pain (LBP) is a frequent health issue involving the muscles, nerves, and bones of the spine. Pain may differ from a dull persistent pain to a sudden sharp sensation. Low back pain can be classified by length and severity (pain lasting less than 6 months), sub-chronic (6 to 12 months), or chronic (over 12 months). The status could be further categorized by the underlying cause as both bodily, non-mechanical, or referred pain. The symptoms of low back pain may generally improve in a couple of weeks from the time they begin, however, some cases may require additional treatment. In the majority of episodes of lower back pain, a specific underlying cause isn't identified or properly cared for, and healthcare professionals may attribute it to mechanical issues like joint or muscle strain.