Take Care of Your Back and Spine El Paso, Texas | Dr. Jimenez D.C. | Call: 915-850-0900 or 915-412-6677 | Spine Health & Spinal Hygiene | Scoop.it

Everyone needs to take care of their back/spine because it is what holds us up as long as we keep it straight and strong. Strengthening the core can help prevent a weak and misaligned spine from getting worse and helps to eliminate pain. 


Back safety should be priority one, as it affects all aspects of your life. Not only are you protecting your back, but are preventing future injury. From the time you wake until bedtime, here are some tips for changes in sleeping position, and getting in and out of a car.


We all need to pay attention to proper body positioning and body mechanics, as it will pay off in the long run.

Getting In and Out of Bed

This is usually the time when the pain starts and can make the rest of the day miserable. Here are a few tips that can help.


  • Lean forward from your hips, not from your back.
  • Try not to arch your back.
  • Push your upper body off the bed with your elbows and hands and swing both legs to the floor.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • Try not to bend at the waist.

Position for Sleeping

Sleep is very important. Finding a comfortable position while sleeping can be tough, especially with back pain. Using quality pillows in the right way can help provide comfort, support for your neck and back and keep you asleep.


  • Sleeping on your back is optimal but you should bend your legs and place a pillow under your knees allowing for optimal blood circulation.
  • Do not sleep on your stomach, as this places pressure on the pelvis and the lower back because there is no support underneath. If you must sleep like this try to keep it for a short while before changing position and place a pillow or two underneath for support.
  • A firm mattress can help keep your spine in line. But talk to a doctor or chiropractor to find out what style of mattress would benefit your back.
  • Rotate your mattress every three months and flip it over twice a year.

Take Care When Entering/Exiting an Automobile

Getting in and out of a car can be a tough challenge when dealing with back pain. Here are a few tips to help.


  • When getting in or out move the seat back as far as it goes, hold onto the side of the car, back of the seat, or the dashboard for support when lifting yourself out or when easing into the seat.
  • Bend at the knees, not the back and avoid twisting and turning to reach for objects, etc.
  • The use of proper body mechanics keeps the muscles working properly.
  • Use both arms and legs when raising and lowering yourself in and out of the seat.
  • Keep your body aligned and only turn your body as much as needed.


The key is to be aware of your posture and safety awareness.

Daily living including sports and household chores should be done with overall and spinal safety in mind.


Whatever positions work for you and your regular activities bending, retrieving, lifting, and carrying objects, using correct techniques combined with proper posture will take care of your neck and back.



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Chiropractic can take care of your spine which means it is good for your overall health. While many people think that its only purpose is to treat back pain, chiropractic focuses on total body wellness. All too often problems within the body are interrelated. For instance, back pain could be the result of an altered gait due to an ankle injury.  A misaligned neck could cause a headache due to awkward sleep positions (or even the wrong pillow).