The Wrong Way To Treat Plantar Fasciitis El Paso, TX. | Call: 915-850-0900 or 915-412-6677 | Mobility & Flexibility - Joint Movement |

Plantar Fasciitis means that there is inflammation of the tissue in the foot/feet and around 2 million Americans have it.


Many think that it only affects the heel, but it can affect any part of the bottom of the foot as all of the tissue is at risk for inflammation.


  • Early morning pain/stiffness is a good indication that plantar fasciitis is the cause.
  • Pain or discomfort after spending a long time on your feet can also be an indication.


People that are on their feet throughout the day/night like:


  • Construction workers
  • Factory workers
  • Teachers
  • Healthcare workers


Are at higher risk but anyone can get it.


Being flat-footed, sedentary and between the ages of 40 – 60 increases the chances of getting plantar fasciitis.


Many ignore the symptoms and turn to ineffective treatment.


This is the wrong way to treat plantar fasciitis.


Ignoring the Issue

A busy life, ignoring the pain/discomfort until it becomes overbearing.


Most of us think that we just have sore feet or lower back pain from:


  • Stress
  • Being tired
  • Over-exertion


And think/hope that the pain will go away in a day or two.


But, waiting could prolong and cause more problems.


Ignoring an issue like this can lead to intense pain and immobility that will definitely negatively impact one's lifestyle.


Additionally, ignoring instead of treating it can lead to pain and damage to other areas of the body like:



Using Temporary Over the Counter Remedies

Over-the-counter or OTC remedies don't do anything but give some temporary relief, if any at all, but the thing to take away here is that this kind of treatment can exacerbate the issue.


  1. An example of this remedy solution is using store-bought shoe inserts that don't provide support for the feet and can worsen the condition.
  2. Over the counter, treatment can cost more money in the end, and all this without relief.
  3. These types of insoles are not designed for long-term, daily use. This means they have to be replaced sooner.
  4. Options like wraps and tape also give short-term relief but are not designed to treat the root cause to get rid of it.
  5. Work with a professional to help you get a customized plant like an orthotic insole that will effectively treat the plantar fasciitis and bring long-lasting relief.


Self-Diagnosing & Treatment

This condition can be difficult to identify because of the varying symptoms. Patients could have all or only a few of them.


Symptoms include:


  • Sharp pain when waking up
  • Heel spurs
  • Painful arches


The causes can also vary and include:


  • Lifestyle
  • Weight
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Unique composition, shape, and size of the foot


Since it is different for everyone, many try to self-diagnose and do it incorrectly.


Then they try to create their own treatment plans which can be ineffective and dangerous.


Proper treatment requires professional medical attention and not just looking up symptoms online. Treatment is also more than just changing shoes or buying an insole at the local drug or shoe store.


Looking up symptoms and self-diagnosing is not a bad thing, but get a second opinion from a health professional like a chiropractor to make sure that you're correct and to guide you in obtaining the proper treatment.


Pain Reliever Overuse

Pain relievers are not for treating pain caused by plantar fasciitis.


The convenience of pain relievers like Tylenol and acetaminophen makes it easy to take as soon as the pain kicks in.


The problem is that overuse can be dangerous to the body and can cause:


  • Kidney problems
  • Mask symptoms
  • Disguise other serious issues
  • Addiction potential 


The best treatment does not require pain relievers.


A professional can help you find relief without pills.


Not Listening to Professional Advice

Trying to schedule a doctor’s appointment can be overwhelming.


  • Trying to figure out what your insurance covers
  • Trying to find the time to see a doctor
  • Finding the right one


Many avoid it altogether and hope the pain goes away.


Many make assumptions about treatment that makes them avoid the doctor.


People have anxiety and are scared of the doctor or what the doctor will find.


There are plenty of excuses for not seeing a qualified professional that specializes in whatever condition you may have.


This is not the case here, the physical therapy or chiropractic care doesn't go on for weeks or a bunch of follow up appointments.


Relief can be as simple as a customized orthotic insole and an adjustment to the lower back.


Reach out to a chiropractor that can identify, treat and get you moving and pain-free.


Pain and discomfort do not have to be part of normal life.


Saying age or lifestyle is the cause and there's nothing you can do about it is ridiculous.


Remember there are solutions to help prevent and maintain comfort within your body. Give us a call and let us help you live your life pain-free.



*PLANTAR FASCIITIS*, Reduce Foot Pain with Custom Orthotics | El Paso, TX (2019)


Gloria Casillas experienced painful symptoms before visiting Dr. Alex Jimenez, a chiropractor in El Paso, TX. Gloria describes how her foot pain gradually developed into plantar fasciitis and how it tremendously affected her quality of life. Gloria Casillas discusses how custom foot orthotics helped her achieve foot pain relief from her plantar fasciitis. Gloria highly recommends Dr. Jimenez as the non-surgical choice for foot pain and plantar fasciitis. Gloria Casillas is grateful for the use of custom foot orthotics.