5 Steps for Hospitals to Build Community Collaborations | Health Care Business | Scoop.it
There are many organizations in each community whose mission can align with that of the hospital and will benefit from such a partnership.

With the focus on what healthcare organizations are expected to do shifting from treating the sick to keeping people healthy comes an enormous shift in how hospitals do their work.

Keeping people well requires hospitals to move much of the job from within the walls of the organization where acute care is delivered to outside the hospital into the community where prevention and early intervention and treatment are based.

It's a major sea change, but hospitals don't have to go it alone. There are many organizations in each community whose mission can align with that of the hospital and will benefit from such a partnership. Working with other providers such as allied professionals and satellite community-based settings can create innovation that utilizes a wide range of resources and can more effectively support patient self-management and family-centered care.

Who will be your most important collaborators and how do you begin to build a strong partnership with them?

The following five steps will help you get started.

1. Find partners providing services that advance the organization's mission and broaden its role as an essential healthcare leader ..

2. Community partners should include organizations that address the health issues represented by emergency department visits and readmissions ..
3. Look to partners that can address the social determinants of health: those factors in community residents' lives that influence their behaviors and have an impact on their health...

4. Select leaders who can move the work forward ...

5. Include evaluation metrics from the get go...