Video Curation Tools: Auto-Collect, Save and Organize Your Favorite Clips with Vidque | Digital Curation in Education |

Robin Good: Vidque is a web service which allows you to easily collect video clips from any website, RSS feed or Twitter account as they are published automatically. You can then later tag, edit the related info for each to help your collections stay organized.


From the official site: "Vidque is a free curation platform designed to help discover, filter and archive online video content. Controlled and curated by its users, Vidque aims to simplify the discovery of quality video content through the joint effort of the online community."


Vidque allows you to follow other Vidque users and to see and save all of the content they share. 


Vidque is also capable of auto-collecting all of the video clips that are in one page by simply providing the reference URL of that web page.


All saved clips end up in your "collection", which can be viewed also according to the tags you have associated with each saved clip.


How it works:


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Added to the content curation tools map:

Via Robin Good