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How you can improve focus in organizations and align for success
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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
December 11, 2012 11:11 PM!

Workplace Distractions: Here's Why You Won't Finish This Article - Wall Street Journal

Workplace Distractions: Here's Why You Won't Finish This Article - Wall Street Journal | Align People |
Workplace Distractions: Here's Why You Won't Finish This ArticleWall Street Journal"It is an epidemic," says Lacy Roberson, a director of learning and organizational development at eBay Inc.
Billy R Bennett's insight:

What will get in the way of your alignment initiative?  The same thing that gets in the way of work...the inability of today's worker to focus.  

There are the social media, email, and other electronic distractions however, this article highlights something we've seen reach dangerous levels:  overloading of complex projects onto too few people.  

For 2013, make one of your resolutions to simplify and balance work from one end of your organization to the other.  

How do you know when you have a problem?   If people talk as if the measure of success is how many projects you have in house at any given time instead of the number of on time could be drowning.  

Think about leading into the new year by

  1. Letting everyone know that success is measured first and always by delivering products and services.
  2. Measure thruput  for you main revenue items.  How long does it take start to finish? Watch over time.  Are you getting better or worse
  3. Make it a point to notice distractions and set about helping others to minimize and remove them from critical work.
  4. Create "Factory Weeks".   Concentrated work weeks focused on a single project or necessary accomplishment. 

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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
December 2, 2012 11:28 PM!

Can I Trust You? Why Normal Doesn't Work

Can I Trust You? Why Normal Doesn't Work | Align People |
Recently, I had two similar meetings.  Each began with “we tried [fill in the blank] …. but it didn’t work” Meeting #1 was with a CEO.  He told me of their initiatives to engage a very...
Billy R Bennett's insight:

Do you find that your initiatives just don't work when they really should?  Could be that you the trust issues are worse than you anticipated.  Our latest blog post as we continue to develop the thinking around Aligning People Skills #2 Cultivating Trust

Billy Bennett is CEO of Pyramid ODI.   Pyramid helps organizations build "great work and workplaces"

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Scooped by Billy R Bennett
December 10, 2012 11:04 PM!

Realignment Heralds Critical Period for Boeing Commercial - Aviation International News

Realignment Heralds Critical Period for Boeing Commercial - Aviation International News | Align People |
Aviation International NewsRealignment Heralds Critical Period for Boeing CommercialAviation International News“I'm announcing a new organizational structure for Commercial Airplanes, effective immediately, that incorporates best practices and...
Billy R Bennett's insight:

Boeing has a big challenge ahead of it and a lot of egg to clean from its face regarding promises versus delivery. 

Over the next 18 months Boeing expects to increase output across its commercial product lines by 25 percent while it manages no fewer than five development programs. Still smarting from the three years of delays to the 787 program, Boeing appears unwilling to risk any further loss of credibility, at least due to its own organizational shortcomings."

it is not easy getting the balance right when you try to maximize resources, minimize duplication, and keep hierarchy to a minimum.  there is an ideal state - unfortunately it requires and ideal organization and ideal conditions.  When was the last time you had that?  Aviation is an industry that is constantly battling issues of control and security against empowerment and speed.  The secret is to avoid the battle and to  incorporate the objectives into the design and into the design of the implementation

Billy Bennett is CEO of Pyramid ODI.   Pyramid helps organizations build "great work and workplaces"

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